Feb 27, 2019
Is everyone telling you, maybe even us in a previous podcast, that your game is too long or costs too much? Should you just scrap everything? Is it impossible to get sales for a game like that?
Well, we've also told you in the past to make your game and not worry about what other games are out there. And this week, we talk with someone that has done just that!
JT and Jeff talk to Rick Heli about his success on The Game Crafter. Rick has sold around 300 copies of his game Founding Fathers, not to mention the expansions for the game. Founding Fathers is a $65.99 indie game, with a playtime that can take 2-5+ hours.
So join us for this episode to hear from Rick on how this has been possible.
Up & Away Games: https://upandawaygames.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spotlightgames
Founding Fathers on TGC: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/founding-fathers
Jeff can be found at:
Website: http://www.allusgeeks.com
AUG Twitter: https://twitter.com/allusgeeks
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Voice Over work: http://reliablevoiceover.com/
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Board Game Geek: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepodcast/26560/game-crafter-official-podcast
This podcast is a part of the United Geeks Network over at: www.unitedgeeksnetwork.com. You can broadcast your geekiness at United Geeks Network!
The intro and outro music:
"Mechanolith" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0