Jun 20, 2018
Matt Worden joins JT and Jeff to discuss how things have changed at The Game Crafter. They also discuss Matt's decision to use The Game Crafter for his current Kickstarter project: Days of Discovery.
Oh, and JT attempts to make Matt choose sides, but we won't hold that against him... yet...
Days of Discovery Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattworden/days-of-discovery-tales-of-danger-1
Matt Worden Games: https://www.mwgames.com/
Jeff can be found at:
Website: http://www.allusgeeks.com
AUG Twitter: https://twitter.com/allusgeeks
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Voice Over work: http://reliablevoiceover.com/
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Board Game Geek: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepodcast/26560/game-crafter-official-podcast
This podcast is a part of the United Geeks Network over at: www.unitedgeeksnetwork.com. You can broadcast your geekiness at United Geeks Network!
The intro and outro music:
"Mechanolith" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0