Jun 29, 2016
Has it really happened? Are JT and Jeff out of Listener Requests?!? With Episode 77, they finish all the known requests in the queue.
And for this episode they do some follow-up to discuss Print on Demand vs. Long Run Printers, and what the future might hold for both.
Make sure you get those requests...
Jun 22, 2016
JT and Jeff take on another follow-up request in episode 76. They discuss the hiring an developer to work with The Game Crafter API, as well as some quick starting a business tips, for this listener request.
Some previous episodes that might help:
Episode 30 - When Should You Start A Business with The Game...
Jun 16, 2016
JT asks for feedback for episode 75.
JT and Jeff discuss the topic of censorship on The Game Crafter and what should and shouldn't be implemented.
JT is once again asking for feedback on this topic, as it is a Top 10 idea.
What are your thoughts on the topic?
Idea link for feedback:
Jun 8, 2016
Episode 74 gives JT and Jeff another great listener request! What software tools are useful for pre-production, before getting to The Game Crafter's online process.
So JT and Jeff run down some useful tools that you can use to assist in creating your games.
Raster Image Software
Adobe Photoshop:
Jun 1, 2016
What makes a game broken?
That's the listener question that JT and Jeff explore in Episode 73. Join us as we discuss what makes a game broken and give examples that we've either done ourselves, or seen in other games.
Website: http://www.thegamecrafter.com
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