Jul 29, 2015
JT and Jeff tackle another awesome listener request for a topic for Episode 29!
Have you ever been on The Game Crafter site and looked through the Staff Pick list and wondered "How can I get my game to be a Staff Pick?"
Well, in this episode we tell you how they are currently picked, and JT asks for feedback on...
Jul 22, 2015
Episode 28 is all about Gen Con 2015! Well, it's specific to the events surrounding The Game Crafter, but even those are enough for JT and Jeff to fill an entire episode!
Jul 15, 2015
For episode 27, JT and Jeff discuss when and how you should approach game reviewers. Whether you're looking for a review for a game you already have on sale, or if you are looking to get a preview copy reviewed for your Kickstarter project; there are some basic things you might want to consider when eaching out to...
Jul 8, 2015
JT and Jeff discuss a few skills you need to possess and a few questions you need to ask yourself, at a high level, before launching a Kickstarter project.
JT has run multiple successful Kickstarter projects. Jeff talks to Kickstarter project creators on a weekly basis and has consulted on several successful...
Jul 1, 2015
JT and Jeff use this episode tp run down all thr amazing content that is taking place at Crafter Con this year. Oh, and Jeff will be there as well. But don't let that stop you!
Crafter Con is a great place to get lot of a solid, condensed information and to meet a lot of potential new contacts in the gaming...